Many writers know that dreams and stories go together. Dream analyst Megan Mary helps people interpret their dreams, but she also uses dreamwork in her novels. Discover her tips for creative writing below!
by Megan Mary
From a young age, I’ve been captivated by dreams. As a child, I often experienced vivid flying dreams alongside recurring nightmares, which sparked my curiosity about why we dream and what meaning might lie within them.
When I was 21, my father passed away unexpectedly at 47. For three days afterward, I felt his presence surrounding me, until I finally experienced a visitation dream. This profound experience deepened my understanding that our existence holds far more than what we can see or perceive.
Dreams and Stories: Marrying Dream Work with Writing Novels
My novels, like our lives, are a series of both waking and dreaming moments. Book 1 of the Witches of Maple Hollow series, The Dream Haunters, includes 13 dream scenes sprinkled within the chapters as we follow the main character Hannah’s spiritual awakening and increased connection to her dreams.
In the beginning, we learn Hannah has a recurring dream about a pumpkin patch, but she does not know what it means. It leads her to the mysterious island of eternal autumn called Maple Hollow where she uncovers mysteries about her family legacy and her own self-discovery.
Throughout the series I use the story as a catalyst for learning about the value of dream appreciation and importance dreams hold for accessing our own inner wisdom.
In fact, the concept for Book 1 came to me over a decade ago in a vivid dream featuring a talking cat. That dream sparked the entire storyline, and several of the dreams woven throughout the series are inspired by my own dream experiences.
How Writers Can Use Their Dreams to Boost Creativity
Dreams can serve as a rich source of inspiration, offering endless storylines, characters, themes, and plot ideas that might not surface in waking life. By delving into the dream world, authors can unlock unique creative insights. Here are a few ways to start:
1. Keep a Daily Dream Journal
Record as many details as possible upon waking to capture ideas while they’re fresh.
2. Practice Dream Manifestation
Before bed, immerse yourself in your writing, setting the intention to explore your story while you dream.
3. Ask Your Dreams for Solutions
For overcoming writer’s block, try asking your dreams to reveal new ideas or solutions.
These practices help authors harness the hidden potential of dreams for their creative work.

Dreams and Stories: Tips for How Writers Can Interpret Their Dreams
One of the keys to learning to decode your dreams is to recognize that the meaning to your dream is unique to you as it is derived from your subconscious and experience.
- Give your dream a title as if it were a story. The title that emerges will hold symbolic significance to the relation the dream has to your waking life.
- Start to pay attention to the mood or emotional response to the dream. What feelings did you have before, during and upon waking from the dream? This can also provide subtle clues into the underlying message.
Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Figure Out Their Dreams
One of the biggest mistakes used to be relying on a dream dictionary to interpret individual parts of your dream.
Now, more and more people are turning to AI for dream analysis. I believe both methods fall short because they depend on external sources—whether that’s artificial intelligence or someone else’s interpretations—rather than tapping into your own insights.
Dreams are deeply personal and unique to each dreamer, so their true meaning must come from within, not from outside sources.
Dreams and Stories: What I’ve Learned from Hosting a “Dream” Podcast
My podcast explores dreams, deep conversations, and the stories of women experiencing spiritual awakenings.
Starting a podcast wasn’t something I had planned; it felt like a calling from the universe that I couldn’t ignore. When I followed this nudge, I found myself embraced by an incredible global community of women who demonstrate the power of sharing personal stories, spiritual experiences, and the strength of authenticity and vulnerability.
Sharing these intimate journeys helps others find support and resonance on their own paths. It offers insights that might otherwise be missed, inspires us to keep moving forward, and reminds us that we’re not alone in this world. Through these stories, I’ve learned that while each of our paths is unique, we are all humans on a spiritual journey. By recognizing this universal connection, we tap into a greater purpose that we all share.
Book Marketing Tactics That Have Worked for Me
I invest a lot of time in social media promotion—ironically, something I’d originally hoped to avoid. However, I’ve also discovered the incredible support that a dedicated street team can offer. While not everyone will connect with or appreciate your creative vision, finding those who resonate with it is both a challenge and a reward, making all the effort worthwhile.
One of the most effective moves I made was signing up on NetGalley. This platform put my book in front of influencers, bloggers, reviewers, as well as librarians and booksellers, which led to international orders from bookstores in the United Kingdom—a result I was thrilled with.
My background in digital marketing has also been a tremendous asset. By focusing on creating quality consistent promotional content, my website and implementing strategic keyword optimization, I was able to reach Amazon Bestseller status for both Book 1 and Book 2 in all three categories, which boosted my visibility, earned top rankings, and achieved Hot New Release status.
Bringing Spiritual Practices Into My Writing World
Each morning, I make it a point to wake up early, meditate, and spend time on my writing. I believe it’s essential to nurture practices that diminish the ego and elevate the spiritual self. Often, we need to let go of our preconceptions, doubts, and fears—to step aside and allow the deeper message we’re here to share to flow through into our work.
As an introvert and a naturally private person, it took a significant amount of inner spiritual work to overcome self-limiting beliefs and move forward, creating something heartfelt that I felt was meant to reach readers around the world.
Download a Free DreamMirror Journal Template
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Bestselling metaphysical author Megan Mary, a dream analyst, intuitive, and mystic, intertwines her passion for personal transformation, magick, and cats with the ethereal realm of dreams.
In addition to a career spanning over twenty-five years creating, managing and marketing websites, she holds a BA and an MA in English Literature, certification in British Studies, is pursuing her PhD in Metaphysical Sciences and is a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.
After being diagnosed with three chronic illnesses, she experienced a spiritual awakening. She now empowers women all over the world to live more authentic, aligned, and abundant lives through dream empowerment and mystical guidance. Her podcast, Women’s Dream Enlightenment, has been voted as one of the Top 20 Spiritual Awakening Podcasts You Must Follow. When she’s not dreaming or weaving digital webs, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two magickal cats.
Find more about Mary and her work on her website and Amazon author page, and connect with her on Twitter/X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other social media platforms.
The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick, Book 1 of the Witches of Maple Hollow series