Want to Advertise on Master Writer Mindset?
Though we are selective, we will consider ads for the following:
- Any author interested in promoting his or her books, or who provides services for authors.
- Publishers interested in promoting their writers.
- Organizations who feature writing-related events like conferences or workshops.
- Companies with products of interest to writers.
- Anyone with mindset-related products or services that would be of interest to writers.
To Advertise on Master Writer Mindset:
If you’d like to advertise on Master Writer Mindset or on our enewsletter, follow this process:
- Review our rates below.
- Submit your request for an ad to our contact email.
- If you are requesting a blog post, submit the text for the post inside of your email (no attachments) for review.
- If you prefer to place an image or video ad, please begin by describing the ad in your email (no attachments or links). Include what the ad is for, and your preferred size and time duration, if applicable (limit of 3 weeks at a time).
- As long as your contact email meets the above requirements, we will get back to you within 72 hours.
Website Image/Video Ad (remain live for up to four weeks)
- Sidebar Ad (top of sidebar on blog page, can be an image or video) — $45
Website Blog Post: $85
- One blog post telling about the event or product (can include up to 4 images, usually about 600-700 px wide)
- This includes promotion on social media (one post on LinkedIn and Instagram, plus at least three posts on Twitter)
- Includes links to the event where people can sign up
- Includes feature/lead-in on WW newsletter a week or two prior to the event
Newsletter Ad: placement the week of your choice (newsletter sent the first 3 weeks of the month)
- Image only (600 px wide): $35/one week, $45/two weeks
- Image + text: maximum 200 words or so and 1 image (600 px wide): $45/one week, $50/two weeks