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Bronze Award, Writing/Publishing 2022
Reader’s Favorite 5-Star Book!
Decide to embrace your true identity as a writer:
Your Writing Matters
How to Banish Self-Doubt, Trust Yourself, and Go the Distance
You could spend years wondering whether you’re meant to be a writer—or you could read this book.
You write day after day. You dream of bestseller’s lists and royalty checks. But despite your best marketing efforts, those dreams remain out of reach.
You start to wonder if you’re wasting your time. Does your writing even matter?
Yes, it’s tough out there, and you have a right to feel the way you do.
Society’s focus on money and fame doesn’t make it any easier. If you’re not producing results in the form of royalties and recognition, others may discount the value of your creations, making it difficult to get the support you need to keep going.
Everything changes once you make “the decision.”
In Your Writing Matters, author Colleen M. Story — a long-time professional writer and writing coach — will help you discover whether you truly have a writer’s DNA. She examines:
- The scientific evidence behind the pressure you feel to make money with your work
- The reasons why fame and notoriety are so attractive and discouraging
- The myth of the most talented writers
- Why book marketing can seem so exhausting
- Why you feel you have to justify the time you spend writing
Step by step, you’ll gain a clear-eyed look at the challenges a writer faces in the outside world. You’ll also learn:
- What hidden benefits writing may have in your life
- Whether writing is part of your life’s purpose
- When it’s best to leave writing behind
Every writer, somewhere along the way, grapples with the question of whether to continue on the writing journey. Don’t waste your precious time in indecision. Let Your Writing Matters guide you to your truth and you’ll never look back again.
What Readers are Saying
I encourage you to get a copy of this book if you’re writing or want to write and enjoy a daily conversation with a supportive friend who cheers for your success, shares excellent tips, and helps you find the deepest value in your passion to write. Thank you, Colleen, for encouraging me and never allowing doubt to win.
~ Elaine Mansfield, Tedx speaker and author of ‘Leaning into Love: A Spiritual Journey through Grief’
“In Your Writing Matters: How to Banish Self-Doubt, Trust Yourself, and Go the Distance, author Colleen M. Story discusses the topic of why people choose to be writers. She tackles the issues most new or potential writers face—should I even bother doing this? Do I have what it takes to be a writer? Will I reach my writing goals and dreams? Story recognizes that money and fame are two motivations for writing, but says writers should move beyond those incentives. She also acknowledges that other people may minimize the value of your writing because, in their eyes, you’re not ‘really a writer’ if you’re not what they view as successful. Their lack of understanding and encouragement may make new writers doubt themselves. Finally, Story writes about the lesser-known and lesser-understood benefits of being a writer, whatever your skill and ‘success’ level. Story is both a writing coach and a professional writer herself.
Your Writing Matters is not another ‘Do you have what it takes to be a writer?’ book. It’s more a ‘You do have what it takes to be a writer’ book. Author Colleen Story encourages writers and potential writers every step of the way. I wish I’d been able to read this book when I was a beginning writer 40 years ago. It would have helped me vanquish my self-doubts, ignore naysayers, and encouraged me to develop the craft of writing. A valuable part of the book is a ‘quiz’ that examines how readers feel about writing, e.g., ‘should [I] be doing something else with my time and talents?’ The aptly named Story helps writers crystalize the reasons why they’re writing. (Samuel Johnson, who reportedly said, “No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money” was wrong. If you didn’t know that before reading this book you surely will afterward.) Story writes about the elusiveness of earning money or fame by writing. Rather, influencing others is a more realistic and attainable goal. I don’t know if Story has any psychological training, but she possesses keen insight into people’s minds, especially into writers’ thinking. I recommend this book to all writers, experienced, new, and wannabe.”
~Joe Wisinski for Readers’ Favorite
“I don’t know a single author who hasn’t experienced some form of doubt concerning the craft of writing. Whether a first-time author or you have dozens of books under your belt, worries and concerns creep into your brain from time to time. Your Writing Matters helps to quiet those doubts and encourages and inspires you to overcome any author challenges, or it may give you “permission” so-to-speak to realize the dream of authorship isn’t for you.
I enjoyed perusing the benefits of writing listed in chapter 12. And the strongest impacts on me were the questions in the ‘Dig Deeper Into Your Psyche’ and the ‘Your World Without Writing’ sections.
Overall, I found this book thought-provoking, helpful, and remarkably reassuring. If you’re a writer or have wondered if writing would be an artistic avenue you’d like to journey on, this book might boost your confidence and dispel most doubts that have probably held you back from progressing forward in the writing craft.”
~Cheryl, Hart Fiction (BookBub)
A friendly, encouraging companion for writers
“~Small Press Picks, Amazon
“Great book! It really felt like Colleen was speaking directly to me as the book addressed all of the concerns I have about becoming a writer.
I would highly recommend that anyone looking to start writing as a career read this book ”
~Caitlyn Loggins, Goodreads
“…Where the book was most stellar for me was in helping me get over the fact that fame and fortune are NOT a part of my life as a writer. Colleen helped me see that modern culture plays a part in my need for fame and that the realities of publishing impact my financial fortunes.
….As for me, I love to write and I’m going to keep at. No more twisting and torturing for me. I thank Colleen for teaching me this important lesson.”
~Lorie Kleiner Eckert, Bookbub
~Lisa T, Amazon
Don’t put this book on the bookshelf…read it!
I am giving Your Writing Matters: How to Banish Self-Doubt, Trust Yourself, and Go the Distance a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who are looking for tips and inspiration in their writing. They will gain so much by reading it. I am sure they will not regret it. I would love to see what other books by Colleen M Story has released or will release in the future.
~Amy Campbell, Locks, Hooks, and Books
This book matters!
I started reading this book yesterday, heaving and panting and sweating like a beast on the stationary bike. And? The time flew. Absolutely flew. If I were a highlighter, every page would be bright with marker. So very necessary right now — and always. This book was recommended by a writer friend who never steers me wrong and I am so glad that I bought it in paperback, to clutch to my heart and tote with me everywhere I go. This book feels like having the ultimate, compassionate, and wise writer/guru guide walking alongside me as I venture into uncharted, very scary territory with my own novel…
~Louise Foerster, Amazon
Keeping This Close at Hand
I’m convinced that what a writer needs more than pen, paper, keyboard, oxygen, or even chocolate is a waiting audience. We need to know that our words are valued by a reader, that our craft is received with appreciation by at least one human being. Colleen M Story’s title gets right to the heart of it, and I’m happy to tell you that she delivers in full.
What would it take to keep you motivated, passionate, and convinced of your worth as a writer? How about a list of ways to determine if writing is a part of your life’s purpose? See page 59.
How about knowing that you truly have the talent required? See the quiz on page 23.
Want to figure out what really motivates you? Check out chapter five.
Colleen Story covers every topic I could think of that might help me (or you) get through the self-doubt. Honestly, this is the most affordable therapy session writers will find anywhere. Bottom line: Your Writing Matters. Remember that.
~Deborah Adams, Amazon