This is the time of year for the winter blues. You’re dragging yourself through your workday. You’re dreading your exercise routines. You’re sleeping in on weekends until noon. And you’ve got a deadly craving for frosted brownies. Worst of all, you’re writing has slowed down. Maybe you’re struggling more thanContinue Reading

Interviewer: You’ve acknowledged that as writers, we all have moments when we think what we’re working on is crap. Author Harlan Coben (Caught, Long Lost, and Hold Tight): Always. Every writer has that, if they’re worth anything. I don’t think it matters if you’re a writer, musician, new mom, orContinue Reading

I heard a disturbing news story a few days ago. It told about how people who have been without a job for six months to a year are coming up against a new kind of employee discrimination—against the unemployed. Employer thinking apparently goes something like this: “What? It’s been thatContinue Reading